Mazda in Targa Tasmania with Turbocharged RX-8 SP

Written by Akhil Pradeep on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at 5:49 AM

The 2009 Targa Tasmania endurance race that runs from April 28 to May 3 and comprises around 1,890km (1,157 miles), including 465km across 40 closed-road, stages will see the return to competition of Mazda's SP moniker. Using a production RX-8 GT as a base, Mazda Motorsport Australia added a turbocharger to the car's rotary engine increasing output from 228HP to 275HP and torque from 211Nm to 300Nm.

Other modifications include the addition of a roll cage and bucket seats as well as chassis and suspension upgrades. The RX-8 SP rides on 18-inch lightweight MazdaSpeed alloys shod in performance tires.

Along with the RX-8 SP, Mazda will also enter a Mazda3 MPS at the endurance race that will be competing for honors in the Showroom 2WD Competition.

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