Ferrari Delivers 1000th Car in Hong Kong on Junk Ship

Written by Akhil Pradeep on Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 7:26 AM

To mark the occasion of the delivery of its 1000th car in Hong Kong, Ferrari organized a special ceremony at the Victoria Harbor yesterday (March 10, 2009). In what is believed to be a 'first' for any automotive company in Hong Kong, Ferrari presented the new 612 Scaglietti 'One-To-One' to its Hong Kong owner, Mr Didier Li, on board 'Huan', a Chinese Junk ship - for the record, that's how these sailling vessels are called.

True to its elitist nature, Ferrari summoned more than 65 international media from Hong Kong, Macau and the adjacent markets to report the event. The Italian firm delivered its first model to a Hong Kong customer in the early 1960's. In 2008, Ferrari sold 115 cars in Hong Kong. That's compared to 433 cars delivered to clients in Japan the same period, an increase of 15%, while more than 200 cars were delivered in China for the first time, an increase of 20% on 2007 to 212 units.

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